The Value Of Questions
Asking yourself questions to understand the purpose of your business can get you thinking. As the business evolves, you may ask yourself when is the right time to change your pricing model? Or when is the best time to introduce a new product or service?
Who are your most loyal clients or consumers? And Why?
Who are the direct or indirect competitors impacting your business?
What if you needed someone else to run your business? Who would you choose?
Gaining clarity by asking questions helps you in defining the audience to whom you wish to sell your products or services. It is also important to look at the target audience when you started, who they are today and who you hope they will be in the future. This insight can help you ask yourself and others the right questions to promote growth.
What if you double your sales? Monthly? Annually? Can the business meet that demand? What do you consider a great conversation? And is that conversation with an existing or potential client?
What if one of your main suppliers went out of business? How would it impact the business? The consumer?
Why are you in business? Why is your product or service important and why would you use a digital communication strategy to increase sales or revenue?
You will ask yourself a lot of questions throughout your business, but they must be acknowledged to get a true understanding of your business.
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